Right here. Right now.

Marley Mardock
Marley Mardock

When I was thinking about what to write for this blog, the first thing that came to my mind was to write about how I am a senior now, how I am going to graduate in a semester and a half, all the things I am going to miss about college and what great experiences I’ve had here. A kind of “reflection on the last 3 and a half years” blog. I could do a recap on all of the classes I have taken thorough the College of Ag, how much I love my major and write paragraph after paragraph after paragraph about not only good professors, but great, great people.

I wish I could look back and say that I don’t have regrets; how I wished I would have joined more clubs, studied harder for biology freshman year, or played more intramurals. Not all of them are centered around school; they just happen to have happened during my time here at UW.

As I look back I realize that college has taught me so much more than how to study, how to be successful academically, or event animal science class information. College has taught me how to look at the here and the now and find the good things about today. Sometimes we concentrate so hard on the past and what was, or worry about what we might or might not have in the future, that we forget to look at all the good things we have that are in front of us.

Instead of spending time always looking in the rearview mirror, or trying to see up the hill or around the curve, college has taught me to look at what is around you and find the beauty in the present. Sometimes there are bumps in the road, sometimes there are steep hills, and sometimes there are giant potholes that you know are coming yet take you by surprise every time. It’s not just that life isn’t perfect. Life is just plain hard sometimes. I think this is what makes life worth living; these potholes, steep hills and sharp curves. Life wouldn’t be much of an adventure if our road was flat and straight all the time. Embrace it.

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