Seek the Good in the Bad

Tyler Harran
Tyler Harran
Well, another summer has come and (nearly) gone. My lone tomato plant has quietly senesced. The heater is clicking on at more frequent intervals. And I now keep my boots and jackets readily available at the door. I have always had mixed feelings about the winter time, and in Laramie, it feels more like a yin and yang relationship than anywhere else. For one, the doldrums of winter bring families and people closer together. On the other hand, low temperatures do tend to force people into close quarters. I’ve always loved the smell of pumpkin spice and wholesome food. But, it seems to come at the cost of cool evenings at the grill with charcoal burning. At least there’s football! And crock pots! I think living in Laramie, WY has taught me to seek the good in the bad, and to appreciate things for what they are. Sure, summer is fading, but without winter, I would not appreciate summer as much as I do. This year, I am making my resolution early. I’m going to enjoy the early sunsets, the dull sound of my footsteps when everything is covered in a blanket of snow, and the warmth of being in a home with wonderful friends and family. There, I think I’ve sufficiently cheered myself up! This year, winter may be the same, but my outlook will be different – who knows, one day I will probably even miss these cold days in Laramie. So I’m going to give it a fair shake.

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