Stepping out of your Comfort Zone

Emilee Brinton
Emilee Brinton

Sometimes I make terrible science puns… but only periodically.  That’s a knee slapper right there!  Or how about this one!  If I were a DJ, my name would be DJ Enzyme because I’m always breaking it down. Anyone?  No?  Okay…

One of the amazing things about the COANR here at the University of Wyoming is the diverse opportunities that are available to students.  This semester, I have been donning my lab coat and strengthening my thumb muscles for pipetting with an undergraduate research opportunity.  I am working in the Veterinary Sciences department, genotyping several hundred mule deer from the Greater Yellowstone Area in Western Wyoming.  From previous research performed at UW, we have learned that certain genotypes are more susceptible to developing Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD).  From this surveillance data, we will predict the impact of CWD on populations in the GYA that have no previously detected CWD infections within the next 10 years.

The COANR is the leading college at UW for research dollars brought in by faculty members and is second in the amount of grants awards to fund research opportunities.  UW is on the cutting edge of research opportunities whether it’s in agroecology, livestock reproduction, or wildlife health.  You may be thinking that research is just not your thing.  I would urge you to still consider one of the many undergraduate research opportunities available.  The chance to learn new skills working in a laboratory setting and applying what I’ve learned in classes to real world problems has been invaluable.

Your time at college is a phenomenal opportunity to take advantage of as many different experiences as possible, whether it’s what you foresee yourself doing as a career or not.  Not only will this make you more appealing for employers, but will also help you to learn new way of approaching problems within your desired field.  Step out of your comfort zone, always push to learn more, and think like a proton and be positive!

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