Student, Academic and Cultural Exploration in Shanghai

Claire Dinneen
Claire Dinneen


   A six week experience in Shanghai encompassed all elements of a student adventure abroad. I had the great pleasure to represent the University of Wyoming as a student intern in the Life and Environmental College at Shanghai Normal University. As part of a graduate research class in a plant genetics facility, I was opened up to working with Chinese students in a cultural and academic setting. My Chinese lab mates guided me through their research of rice and arabidopsis plants while also sharing in what is dynamic and fascinating China.

I was graciously hosted by the Plant Genetic and Microbiology facility of Shanghai Normal University. Every weekday I took part in laboratory research where I got to start my exploration of graduate research work. I followed research of individual’s work on protein-protein interaction and female Arabidopsis reproductive cycles. Due to my undergraduate nature, this was some of my first experiences in a genetics lab. I learned the scoop of how to distract DNA, create mutant species and perform PCR and electrophorese techniques. Lab procedures mimic work I can easily experience in American institutes but developing first time research in China offered me a diverse perspective. Communication between the Chinese students was in English but still had its barriers at times. I believe the patience involved through slow communication gave me time to grasp their research techniques through careful learning. While communicating with students in lab, I also was rewarded with opportunities to share in cultural exchange. I became acquainted with the Chinese mannerisms, the language (learning that it is extremely difficult to learn Chinese), and enjoyed sharing my American background with lab friends.

Microbiology lab work
Microbiology lab work

The academic experience also brought me six weeks of living and learning to love Shanghai and China. The city of Shanghai offers travelers authentic insight into a daring and mesmerizing city life. The city is debatably over 25 million people in population, with the world’s second longest metro system, and towering skyscrapers that make up a world renowned financial district. I was housed ten minutes from a metro station and inevitably explored many districts of this massive city. I enjoyed taking the ferry across the Yangste River to view the unique Pudong financial district. The city also encompassed elements of traditional China amongst the fast growing metropolitan culture. Some of my favorite experiences were shopping at the outdoor and tea markets. In the midst of walking through the city, street vendor food and snacks are not avoidable. Actively eating or not, China is famous for endless opportunities to snack, or smell its culinary cuisine. Hard-boiled eggs, watermelon, and dumplings and lots more were prolific on most all city blocks.

Along with deep exploration of Shanghai, I had the ultimate joy of seeing some of China’s countryside. I explored historical Beijing, including the Great Wall of China. I climbed the oldest portion of the wall, the winding path being narrow and steep but the lack of tourists made it uniquely special. I hiked along the Nanxi River and jumped into their shimmering pools. The clarity of water in this region is known to be clearest in all of China. I also explored a Chinese grape vineyard in a southern province, called Huzhou, and spent time taking in the green Chinese landscape and bamboo forests in a one the 100% humidity, 100 degree Fahrenheit summer climate.

I look back upon this experience as an opportunity of a lifetime. I was able to experience international relations while representing the United States as a microbiology student. China embodied a learning experience in my field at the University of Wyoming while experiencing Chinese climate, way of life and education system. I am extremely grateful for the support of the University of Wyoming to allow . I learned about myself, my academic interest and the world. I never expected opening my eyes to such a captivating culture, people, and landscape and loving each and every breath of experience.

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