Summer Fun at UW

Jemma blogHey gang! I just wanted to inform you all about the wonderful opportunities that come up during summer time in Laramie. If you are someone who is looking for something to do that is related to school over the summer, or if you are in need of a job, The University of Wyoming and the College of Agriculture offer many internships during the summer months. Each department offers their own specific internships (paid or unpaid) that can even count as course credit and some departments actually require completing an internship as part of their degree program. Being an Agroecology major, I am required to complete an internship in order to complete my degree. I was offered an internship in Plant Sciences last summer and I loved it! Not only did it pay well, but it was also a great opportunity to gain some experience in the job realm of Agroecology. I met a lot of other Agroecology majors and got to know the other professors in the Plant Sciences Department. Since completing my internship I have a greater understanding of the research side of Agroecology and what types of jobs are offered to Agroecology majors. Through this internship I was able to do a lot of hands on learning that I would not have been able to experience in a classroom. I learned a lot about myself last summer and I discovered what I definitely like to do and not do in the realm of Agroecology. Laramie is a great place to be over the summer and I recommend taking at least one summer to complete an internship through the college, you never know what you might experience!


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