Take Care, and Take Care of Each Other

We are officially a quarter of the way through the semester. Congratulations, you have made it this far! From football games to backyard barbeques and downtown street dances to gorgeous fall colors, it may seem like all fun and games right now, but as the weather gets colder and homework assignments get longer, it can be easy to slip into a bad mood. A bad mood can make anyone become short with and judgmental towards the people around them. I want to encourage you to not fall victim to this seasonal dilemma and remember that college is a time of new experiences that may or may not be positive (hopefully mostly positive). Whether it’s failing a test, being low on money, a death in the family, feeling lost in the direction of life, or any other number of challenges college students face, each and every person you meet is dealing with something you can’t see. We have a responsibility to approach people with understanding and caring regardless of how we see their situation initially. I have found that something amazing happens when I act this way towards people, people do the same for me when I am going through a difficulty, giving me the benefit of the doubt and second chances. All in all, take care, and take care of each other.

-Katie Jacobs


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