Take Your Time and Enjoy the Ride

Jemma Woods
Jemma Woods

I entered college thinking that I would get in and out in four years, then get a job and become a part of the real world. Then I actually got to college and I was in for a reality check. Sometimes what you liked or wanted in high school changes when you get to college. In college you begin to figure out more about who you are and what you want. I discovered that I didn’t really want to be an education major, what I actually wanted to do was go into Agroecology-which I never would have realized if I hadn’t taken a semester off to just slow down and think about what I wanted to do, not what other people wanted me to do or thought I would be good at. During that time I got a job working for the City of Cheyenne in the Urban Forestry Department, which led me to pursue a career in Agroecology. The next semester I changed my major, adding two more years to my time spent in college. I was a little bummed at first because this meant two more years of paying for school, books and rent. However, it also meant two more years of building relationships and making memories that will last a lifetime and you can’t put a price on that! So, my tip to you is don’t sprint through college. Take your time and enjoy every part of the experience. Who cares how long it takes you, make it the experience you want it to be.


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