Thank you to deserving recipients

Shane Bell
Shane Bell
This week celebrated Veteran’s Day. First off, I would like to extend my most sincere appreciation to those who have served this country. Thank you for everything you have done. Veteran’s Day gives us a chance to thank those who have served our country. This got me thinking about other groups that deserve a “thank you” and a pat on the back. I want to thank agriculturists. I want to extend a thank you to the men and women of our country who work all year long putting food on our plates and clothing on our backs. I know I’m a little early; National Ag Day doesn’t take place until March 18th, but be honest, how many of you knew what day National Ag Day was? It’s about time we start thanking those who devote a lifetime to providing for other people, both in this country, and around the world.

There’s a song by Toby Keith called “Made in America.” In this song he talks about his mother claiming that “every day is Independence Day.” I completely agree with this statement. I would like to extend this statement to cover Veteran’s Day and National Ag Day. It’s great that we dedicate a day to thank these people but I think they should be thanked everyday for their service to this country.

Every time that you see a man or woman walking down the street in military attire, I would like you to thank them for their service. When you visit your local farmers market or meet someone who produces any type of agriculture product I would like you to thank them as well. These people deserve a thank you. After all, where would you be without agriculture? Naked and hungry.

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