The Final Stretch

Mandy O’Donnell
Mandy O’Donnell
Spring Break has come and gone. We are now entering the final stretch of the spring semester. It is hard to believe how fast the semester has progressed. I remember being told that times goes by faster the older you get and I can now say that I understand. The first part of this semester seemed to have flown by; I have no idea where January and February went. There has been so much going on in the College of Agriculture. The clubs have been hosting contests and talks, while professors prepare for the summer season. The Range Club returned from the Society for Range Management meeting in Orlando, Florida mid-February and went right into the final preparations for our club banquet. Because of activities like this, it felt like I was going from one big project to another. Not that I am complaining. I am a member of the Range Club and the Ag Ambassadors because I want to be involved and keep busy, and this semester has definitely kept me active. Apart from the Range Club activities, the ambassadors and my classes have kept me busy. Spring Break was a welcomed down shift and allowed me to recharge my batteries to take on the final part of my last undergraduate semester.
I love coming back to Laramie after Spring Break. The weather is starting to warm up (at least a little bit) and the conversations in the halls of the College of Agriculture revolve around calving and the upcoming summer. Spring brings with it a reminder that the semester is passing by rapidly and graduation and summer are fast approaching. This semester I am even more aware of this fact. The approaching summer and graduation date are bittersweet. I am excited to graduate and begin the next chapter in my life, but I am going to miss the atmosphere of my second home in the College of Agriculture. As the final stretch of spring semester 2014 begins, I am reminded to take in everything these last few weeks have to offer.

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