The stories I’ll tell my kids someday

Katie Richardson
Katie Richardson
With senior year and my final semester looming, I am starting to think back on my college career. I participated in the normal things like classes, study groups and have spent plenty of hours in library worrying and studying for exams. I’ve been thinking about the strangers that have become friends and the stories I might tell my kids one day. Like the one time I was able to sit, talk and have dinner with the Senator of Wyoming or the other time when I took a leadership class from the CEO of the Farm Credit Services of American and the Dean of the College of Agriculture. I have also been a member of some amazing clubs and organizations that have given me so many memories and wonderful experiences. Through these groups I have been able to travel all over the country to learn and experience life, and ultimately make an impact in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the college I love dearly. So I challenge you, whether you are a freshman or senior, enjoy college, and take advantage of some of the amazing things UW has to offer. Five years from the day you graduate you are not going to remember the classes you took and who taught them or even maybe what you learned. What you will remember is what you did, who you met and the experiences you were given outside of class. So join a club, go to a lecture not required by a class, or attend a concert or event. Most of all make memories, enjoy college and take a break from the books to enjoy life because soon, just like me, graduation will be around the corner.

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