This Rollercoaster Called Life…

Josh Messer
Josh Messer

I’m graduating soon. I would say how soon, but the number of weeks reminds me of how much work I still need to get done. So, “soon” will suffice. It feels a little bit like when I graduated from high school, except immeasurably more exciting and terrifying.

Let’s talk about the terrifying. The only thing I know about my life after graduating is that I’m going to law school, and even that is a recent conclusion. I was pretty pumped that I finally had three years planned, but then comes all of that other stuff that folks sometimes call “life.” Life is scary, and I’m not entirely sure of what I’ll be doing out in the scary world of life.

But life being scary is a good thing. Scary is what makes it exciting. My college years had tons of twists and turns that I would have never expected, so I can’t fathom how many the “real world” will have. But that’s the point of college. It gets you ready to handle those twists and turns, so that you can make the most out of the roller-coaster ride that makes life so scary. After all, what’s the point of a roller coaster if you’re not having fun?

So, that’s where I stand right now. Excited and terrified. I don’t know that either of those emotions are going to subside soon, but that’s fine. It keeps me on my toes, and it keeps me looking forward to what’s going to happen tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that. Like I said, I don’t have a great deal of my days figured out. That’s fine by me.

Josh Messer, Molecular Biology

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