Tips from a graduating senior, preparing for life after college.

1. Take advantage of every internship opportunity, paid and unpaid.

By far the most important thing that I have learned while job searching is that employers like to see your experience. Sure, your degree will help you qualify to apply, but it won’t show that you can work well with others or independently. It won’t show the practical skills that you learn while in the field that you want to go into. It won’t show your work ethic. So take the internships and change them up so you can add more to your resumé.

2. You are always networking! Remember that everywhere you go.

Getting a job is about who you know more than what you know. The people who you meet throughout your internships, jobs and classes are those who can later refer you to their friends and ultimately help you get jobs. (In the same way, they can also convince a prospective employer not to hire you.) So start making friends everywhere you go.

3. Order business cards to carry with you.

Just make something simple with your name, email and phone number, so when you’re networking, you can easily give them your contact info. This also makes you appear professional and they will appreciate the extra effort.

4. Think about your passion and what makes you the happiest. Now find a way to make that into a career.

If you haven’t done this yet, why not??? I sincerely hope you have chosen your degree based on the fact that you enjoy it. Sure, making a lot of money seems like a good goal, but if you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, you’re going to end up hating your career. Find what makes you happy and pursue it.

5. Don’t be afraid of change. Take risks and do the things that scare you.

When thinking about life after graduation, it can be scary, but it’s so important that you take those risks like moving to a new city or taking that job offer. You never know where it could lead you next. You will probably work a variety of different jobs before you find your lifetime career, and that is perfectly okay.

6. Believe in yourself. If you want others to believe you are confident and capable, you have to believe it first.

This sounds cliché, but it really is an important concept. We can be our biggest critics and often too hard on ourselves. It’s imperative that we remember your worth. Be confident, not cocky. Assured, yet humble.

7. Your education is important, but so are your experiences.

Go to class. Do your homework. Get decent grades. But don’t forget to join the RSOs or get involved with recruitment. Getting involved within the University will add credible references to your reference list. This will also give you more educational and networking opportunities.

8. Consider making an online resumé.

It’s 2018 and paper resumés are still an important asset, but an online profile will really give future employers an insight to your professionalism and versatility. Although I have practiced my skills overtime, anyone can figure out how to use a simple website builder. I made mine using You can get some inspiration from it:

Mackenzie Holmberg

Graduating May 2018: BS in Agricultural Communications

Minors: Public Relations and Farm & Ranch Management

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