Trials and Tribulations Strengthen Faith

Katie Richardson
Katie Richardson
Agricultural industry is not for the faint of heart. I never really realized this until this year. Before taking over my parents’ farm two years ago while attending school full time, I knew that it was going to be hard work and would test my faith. However, I did not know how hard it really was going to be, until this past year.
In the past year, I have fought with bankers, proved myself among a world ruled by men and learned life. The biggest thing that I learned is; faith will prevail. Like everyone else, I am human and my faith tends to weaken when faced with a great deal of challenges. I have realized that no matter how bad things may seem, there is a reason for every trial, tribulation, and closed door.
In September I got the call saying that my family had been evacuated due to the flooding in Colorado. For many of my neighbors all they had to do was pack themselves and relocate a few dogs. My family had horses, a bottle calf and 20 momma cows that had to be moved to higher ground. Of course, all of this took place when I was stuck in Laramie, going to class, taking exams and feeling completely helpless.
In addition to this, as a result of the flood, fourth cutting of hay has been pushed back weeks. Instead of spending my weekends studying for midterms, I have found myself behind the wheel of a tractor trying to put up hay before the first snow.
When added with several classes and extracurricular activities that demand a great deal of time, my stress level has reached an all time high and honestly I hit rock bottom. Then a wonderful opportunity came my way and a wonderful woman within the agricultural industry shared her wisdom and renewed my faith in life and myself. She shared her story and left us with a quote by Mother Teresa that I would now like to leave you with. “I know God won’t give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish he didn’t trust me so much.”
So you may be at a point in your life where God trusts you more than you would like, but remember that you can handle anything that you are presented with. Whether that be school, family, jobs, or all of the above; do not lose faith, do not doubt yourself because you can handle it.

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