Welcome to the College of Ag!

A note from Ag Ambassador Madison:

At this moment one year ago, I was scared to death to leave everything I had ever known and live with complete strangers in a neighboring state. One year later, I could not be more excited to go back to that same place. The difference being that this time around, I know for a fact that everything will be OK. There will be ups, and a lot of downs, just like there was this last year. But no matter what at the end of each day you just have to keep believing in yourself. Soon enough those days will add up, a year will have gone by, and you won’t be scared of anything anymore. You will find yourself with stories of how you were failing a class, then decided to take advantage of the tutoring centers the college offers and ended up getting an A. I kind of wish I could go back and give the one year ago me a hug and tell her everything will turn out more than alright. So go in scared, embrace it, and as long as you put forth a little effort, I guarantee you will find yourself in the same boat as me in a single year.

A note from Ag Ambassador Advisor Sarah:

You’re a new freshman in the College of Ag…This can be a scary (yet very exciting!) time for you. We understand that, and want to help you get rid of those nerves so that you can feel comfortable wearing the new “College Student” hat. Here are a few tips that can help you transition into being a successful college student!


  • Take a walk-about the day before classes begin so that you can map out where your classes are.
  • Arrive early and give yourself a few extra minutes to find your classes, just in case you get turned around or confused… most of the buildings look alike, we won’t hold those mix-ups against you!
  • Check your email – Familiarize yourself with your student email account. This is how professors contact you with details about your upcoming class, or assignments.
  • Come prepared – whether you choose to take notes with a pen and paper, or your laptop, be sure you have something to jot things down with. You jump right into taking notes and hearing valuable information that is likely to be on your first quiz or exam.
  • Participate – set your phone aside and pay attention. Interact with the professor and your peers – you’ll be amazed at how much more you get out of a class when you don’t have a distraction in your hand.
  • Get to know your professor – they are a valuable tool in being successful in class. Take advantage of office hours if you have questions or need a bit of clarity on what was discussed in class.


  • Familiarize yourself with on campus resources available to you. COE Library, Center for Advising and Career Services, Student Success Services and our office specific to the College of Ag, Academic and Student Programs, are here for your benefit. Stop in and introduce yourself, ask questions if you have them, and get to know us. We are here to help you succeed!
  • Find out who our wonderful Ag Ambassadors are and pick their brains! Our Ambassadors are a great resource to students, offering advice and answering any questions you may have.


  • Get involved! Join a student Club or Organization. These will add fun, new challenges to your college experience. Not only will you meet friends and have a grand time, you will enhance your professional future because of the leadership opportunities each club provides to you.
  • Find a happy medium – we know that you will be focused on your studies, but be sure to take time to have fun. Grab your roommate or a class mate and go hiking up Vedawoo, catch a free concert on Prexy’s Pasture or go explore downtown. Laramie and the surrounding areas have a lot to offer!

Please feel free to reach out to any of us – we are here to help.

We are SO excited to have you on campus! Best of luck this semester!

Madison and Sarah

picture4blog  Sarah Kauer copy

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