What exactly we do as Ag Ambassadors?

Megan Weisensee
Megan Weisensee

Greetings Everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying having more than the typical one week of Fall here in Wyoming! This semester has started with a flurry of activities for but I am finally getting settled back into the rhythm of classes and various activities. The resounding thought that’s been on my mind this last month is the abounding number of opportunities I have had the privilege of being presented with.

Many people may wonder what exactly we do as Ag Ambassadors, so I thought I’d share a few of the events I’ve been lucky enough to be involved in. My first year as an Ag Ambassador I started signing up to help with recruitment events such as Discovery Days and Campus Pass. The idea of sharing my personal experiences with so many prospective students was a bit daunting at first, but I soon realized how easy it was to talk about my many experiences within the college of Ag and Natural Resources. I now look forward to meeting all the prospective students and their families and often have to limit myself so I don’t overwhelm them with my many stories (this has also made me a much better public speaker)!

I was also fortunate enough to attend the Dean’s Dinner last Fall where I was able to meet several distinguished guests and donors. It never ceases to amaze me how much these guests truly care about the students at UW and they are always excited to hear about our experiences.

I also attended the Advisory Board Meeting last Spring in Casper and the one last month here in Laramie. These are great events to attend as a student ambassador because the board really does value a student’s perspective, and it’s a great way to keep up with the major issues facing our College. These have also proved to be amazing networking opportunities for myself and other students. It was personally very moving for me to hear the encouraging words of several industry leaders and to know that I have the support of these great people in my future endeavors. This list of opportunities could go on and on but my main point in all this is when the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources says “Students: The Reason We’re Here”, they truly embrace it and I myself as a student genuinely appreciate it!

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