What’s next?

Josh Messer
Josh Messer
My friends and I are being faced with a multitude of new and exciting decisions. Chief among them, for me at least, is what I’m going to do once my time at UW comes to an end. It’s a bit frightening, to be honest.
Many moons ago, before I came to the College of Agriculture, I thought I wanted to be an engineer. As I’m sure you’ve gathered, that wasn’t for me. So I jumped ship, and found softer landings as a Molecular Biology major. But now I’m faced with the question of “what’s next?”
I used to think I wanted to be a doctor. I still think that, but now maybe I just want to go to regular old graduate school…or be a lawyer. There are just too many options! That being said, I rest easy at night, knowing that I’ll be prepared, and I owe a great deal of that to the education I’m receiving. Beyond the depth and breath, it’s integrative; I’m being shown all the connections of the world, and I’m truly thankful for that.

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