What a spring semester it’s been so far! We’ve had some cold days, but it’s starting to warm up now. And with that change, other personal changes is coming for me. This semester I am on the UW Meat Judging Team. As a team we’ve had a great semester so far placing 5th at the National Western Contest in Denver, CO and 4th at the Southwestern Contest in Forth Worth, TX. We are looking to close the semester strong with two contests left; one is in Iowa and then it’s back to Texas.
Also, this is the time if year that students gear up and start trying to figure out their summer plans. Personally, I am trying to land an internship with Five Rivers Cattle Feeders at a feed yard in Dalhart, TX. For students also looking for internships I have some advice. First, contact your advisor for possible internships that could interest you. Second, apply as soon as you can! Corporations and companies are filling up with loads of student applications, and if you want your name in the door it is best to get it in sooner than later. Other than that, the first exams are out of the way and the semester is going strong. Keep it up pokes, and if future pokes have any questions about what I’m doing or about student life contact me at jlacey4@uwyo.edu. Cheers!