Thank You UW …. Off to the North Carolina!

Kassie Ford
Kassie Ford
My name is Kassie Ford. I am senior at the University of Wyoming majoring in Animal Science. I am originally from Gillette, WY. I was raised around the family cow-calf operation that my uncle runs and fell in love with animal agriculture at a very young age. I was invited to be a College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Ambassador in the spring of 2012 semester. I also got involved with the University’s Block and Bridle Club and met a lot of great animal agricultural enthusiasts just like me! I was voted President for the 2012-2013 academic year and have had a great experience leading this group of wonderful students and friends. We recently attended the 93rd National Block and Bridle Convention in Ames, Iowa where we learned so much about their culture and agriculture. It was great to visit with other B&B Chapters from around the nation and make friends from different animal agriculture backgrounds.

After being involved with this great club, I’m going to miss all of my wonderful new friends and this outstanding University. I’ve enjoyed every minute of being a College of Ag Ambassador and I am proud to be an advocate of the University, this College, and the clubs associated with them. I’ll be graduating in May and I’m headed to North Carolina where I was offered a Swine Production Internship with Murphy-Brown, a very large progressive swine production company. I’m excited to have the opportunity to learn new things in a new environment! It is going to be a lot different than the cattle country around Wyoming, but I look forward to the challenges that this internship will bring. This University has taught me so much and prepared me for the real world. I’m going to miss it but I’m excited to see where life will take me next!

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