Opt Outside: Staying sane during Wyoming winters (with apologies to REI)

The days are getting shorter, colder, and windier, which means one thing: people are headed inside. And as a reformed outdoor enthusiast who once spent entire childhood winters cursing the wind-driven snow and wishing I was somewhere tropical, I’m fighting this obligate hibernation. Why? Because getting outside and embracing the famous Wyoming wind is the … Read more

“The Road Less Traveled”

As someone who is majoring in Animal Science but planning on going to medical school, people are always asking me how I “ended up in Animal Science”. Well, I like so many others didn’t really know what I wanted to do when I first came to college. So, I changed my major to Animal Science … Read more

“The 8th Wonder of the World!”

Another week, another blog! When I was thinking about what I was going to write about for my blog, I was registering for the 2017 Brand of Excellence Scholarship Banquet that is on November 3rd. It then struck me that this should be a topic that everybody knows about! One of the best things the … Read more

“Seize the Opportunity”

Hey Everyone! As a Design, Merchandising, and Textiles major, the University of Wyoming was not exactly my first option. It is not a college that comes to mind for most when considering fashion and design degrees, however, I will never regret giving the program a chance. My first semester in the College of Agriculture was … Read more