A college anchored in its regional agriculture

The French idea of Terroir describes the uniqueness of soils, climate and culture resulting in a regional set of agricultural techniques, production methods, and products. While the notion is not often exported beyond France, except in the wine industry, it is applied to nearly all agricultural products from truffles and wine, to cheese and nuts. … Read more

Get Involved!

As my last semester of college comes to a close, and I’m not able to do some of things I loved to do so much in past years, I keep thinking of things I wish I would have known or done as a younger student. There are simple things, like go to as many sports … Read more

Unknown to Agriculture

When you hear the word Wyoming many people think of a country bumpkin who only cares about farming and ranching. After telling people you go to the University of Wyoming, they often ask why you would choose such a school, but unbeknown to them, the University of Wyoming is more than just a school that … Read more