Before the Snow Flies

I just came home for winter break to this list:   · Move the cows · Repair the windbreaks · Drain the tanks · Check the antifreeze · Fill the holes in the chicken coop · Chop wood · Plug in the tank heaters · Locate the heat lamps   I look at and dread … Read more

Joining a UW Judging Team may be the best decision you make in College…

The people you meet. Being on both the livestock and wool judging teams throughout my time at UW has allowed me to meet some of my best friends. Not to mention, the connections that I have made through meeting producers, industry leaders and traveling across the country. It doesn’t only help grow your personal and … Read more

A college anchored in its regional agriculture

The French idea of Terroir describes the uniqueness of soils, climate and culture resulting in a regional set of agricultural techniques, production methods, and products. While the notion is not often exported beyond France, except in the wine industry, it is applied to nearly all agricultural products from truffles and wine, to cheese and nuts. … Read more