What you can do in the College of Agriculture…

As a student in the College of Agriculture, there are many ways to get involved with faculty projects and student organizations. Here at the College of Agriculture, there are a variety of work study jobs which vary from working in the State Vet Lab to working in a research lab on main campus. Working with a professor on research provides students with the opportunity to form valuable relationships with faculty, as well as provide students with research experience which is usually necessary when considering graduate school. Research labs aren’t the only way to get involved with the faculty on campus. You can also work in the meat lab and work as a Lab Aide which provide connections to various faculty and as well as potential employers after college.

Other ways to get involved in the College of Agriculture is to join one of the many student organizations on campus. These organizations include fraternities and sororities, judging teams, and special interest clubs which include ACRES Student Farm, AG Ambassadors, the pre-Vet Club and even a Shotgun Sports Club. A majority of these clubs require little involvement, if desired, and are easy ways to meet other people with similar interests and career goals. Other clubs such as the Equestrian Team and the Livestock Judging Teams require more involvement but allow you to form close friendships with other people on the team. Through the teams, you have the opportunity to travel across the US for competitions as well as meet people from other schools.

I myself love being involved in the College of Agriculture through my job in a research lab and through Ag Ambassadors. Working in a research lab allows me to meet and interact with a variety of faculty as well as play with some really cool equipment. On the other hand, Ag Ambassadors allows me to meet a lot of new people within the club as well as volunteer to promote the College of Agriculture. These aren’t the only ways to be involved in the College of Agriculture so be sure to check out the bulletin boards, student employment listings, and the College of Agriculture Club Page.

-Lacey Hill

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