What is 4-H?
You may think 4-H is only for your friends with animals, but it’s so much more! You can do activities like shooting sports, geology, art, citizenship, fashion, and much, much more.
In 4-H we believe in the power of young people. We see that every child has valuable strengths and real influence to improve the world around us. Projects help 4-H members find and nurture their “spark”. When you try something for the first time, you may be inspired to keep learning as much as possible about it. You might even want a career related to that new interest. 4-H projects often spark young people to follow their passions, interests, and talents on a new path to career development, enjoyment, and belonging. Ready for your spark? Learn more about 4-H projects you can explore.
We Believe In:
- all young people’s potential
- developing you people who are empowered, confidant, hard-working, determined, responsible and compassionate- seeing a world beyond themselves so that they have the life-long skills to succeed in college and career
- ensuring access and equity for all
- the power of America’s leading public universities,
- the practice of positive youth development (PYD) by creating positive learning experiences
- caring and trusted adult mentors who cultivate positive relationships with youth
- creating safe, diverse, and inclusive environments
In 4-H programs, kids and teens between the ages of 8-18 complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture, art, fishing, and civic engagement in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult volunteers and are encouraged to take proactive leadership roles.
What is 4-H?
4-H is delivered by Cooperative Extension – a community of more than 100 public universities across the nation that provide experiences where young people learn by doing. For more than 100 years, 4-H has welcomed young people of all beliefs and backgrounds, giving kids a voice to express who they are and how they make their lives and communities better.
What can you do in 4-H?
In 4-H you “Learn By Doing”. Your projects help you gain knowledge, skills, foster responsibility, and the satisfaction of a job well done. You may work independently of there may be a volunteer to assist you.
In 4-H the activities are organized by topics and called “projects”. All 4-H members must be enrolled in at least one project. To choose, select a project you like, consider the time and money it will take, and consider the space and supplies you have at home. A 4-H project should be fun, serve a purpose, and be worthy of your time.

- 4-H CLUB DEFINITION: A 4-H Club is an organized group of at least five youth from two different families who meet regularly with adult volunteers for a long-term, progressive series of educational experiences.
4-H CLUB PURPOSE: The purpose of a 4-H club is to provide positive youth development opportunities to meet the needs of young people to experience belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity-the Essential Elements- and to foster educational opportunities tied to the Land Grant University knowledge base.
CLUB MEMBERSHIP: 4-H Club membership is open to all youth beginning at age 8 o the age of 18. 4-H CLub membership is open to all youth without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, martial status, disability, or public assistance. All 4-H members must be enrolled in the 4-H club each year which begins October 1.
- Enrolls at least 5 youth members from at least 2 families.
- Conducts regular meetings throughout most or all of the year, and often supplemented by project meetings, fairs, and other 4-H learning activities.
- Selects youth officers of youth leaders to provide leadership to the club.
- Meets in any location- a home, community center, library, public housing site, school, afterschool program, and/or many other places.
- Meets interests and needs of youth in the same-age or cross-age groupings and uses single-project or multiple-project formats.
- Is advised by adult staff of volunteers who have been screened and trained.
- A 4-H project is a topic of interest that a member chooses to do independently, with parents, or a volunteer leader. Or perhaps all three! Clubs may have a volunteer to support your project but you will work on your own and with your family to complete your chosen project.
- The 4-H office will offer clinics and activities as opportunities for you to participate in. Watch your newsletter and email for these opportunities.
- Other opportunities you can participate in are: county contests, exhibit at the Central Wyoming Fair, Wyoming State 4-H events, and National 4-H events.
- To register for 4-H go to https://4h.zsuite.org/