
- To promote the beauty and versatility of wool fabrics, fibers and yarns.
- To encourage personal creativity in sewing, knitting, crocheting, or felting with wool fabrics, fibers and yarns.
- To recognize creative skills.
- To develop life skills including:
- being responsible for one’s self
- being a good sport
- accepting judges decisions
- learning about and appreciating diversity
Age Divisions – as of January 1, 2024
- Young Sewers: ages 5-7
- Pre-Teen: ages 8-12
- Junior: ages 13-16
- Senior: ages 17-24
- Adult: age 25 and older
- Garmet
- Made for Others
- Wearable Accessory
- Wool Quilt/Other Wool Art/Non-Wearables
- Young Sewer
Requirements for Entry:
- Completed Entry Form (please send all wool samples, check made to MIWW, and form to district director)
- $15 entry fee for each category entered
- Three 5″x5″ samples of each wool used or three 36″ lengths of each yarn used

Garment Categories
- Juniors, Seniors and Adults may enter:
- One-piece garment: Dress, jumper, outerwear jacket, coat or cape
- Two-piece outfit: Coat, jacket, cape, blouse/shirt, vest or sweater WITH dress, jumper, skirt, pants or shorts
- Ensemble: 3 or more garments worn together at one time: Coat, jacket, cape, blouse/shirt, vest and/or sweater WITH dress, jumper, skirt, pants or shorts
- Preteens may enter:
- Dress, jumper, skirt, pants, shorts, vest, sweater, shirt/blouse, jacket or a combination of garments
- All garments must have been completed after January 1 of competition year
- Participants must sew, knit, crochet or felt all garments
- They may spin their own yarn and weave their own fabric
- They may receive instruction and advice from parents, teachers or advisor
District and State Categories Only
- Made for Others
- Garments made for another person. The recipient must model the garment and the sewer must answer the judges’ questions
- Categories are the same as the Garment
- Garments made for another person. The recipient must model the garment and the sewer must answer the judges’ questions
- Wearable Accessory
- Items worn to compliment a garment or outfit
- purse, hat, gloves/mittens, belt, tie, pin, scarf or other items
- Items worn to compliment a garment or outfit
- Wool Quilt, Other Wool Art and Non-Wearables
- Quilts and Wall hangings
- Quilt top fiber content must be at least 60% wool
- Batting must be 60% wool
- Backing must be 60% natural fiber (cotton, wool, silk, or linen)
- Afghans
- yarn must be at least 60% wool
- Quilts and Wall hangings
Fabric/Fiber/Yarn Requirements
- 100% wool or wool blends containing a minimum of 60% wool or specialty wool fiber must be used for each fashion fabric, fiber or yarn
- Specialty wool fibers include alpaca, angora, camel, cashmere, llama, mohair
- Garment body (back, front and sleeves) must be made from wool or wool-blend fabric. When these pieces-back, front, sleeves-are joined together, a wearable garment is created.
- Vests may have the back made from a non-wool fabric when vest is worn with a suit or a sport coat or blazer. The back must be made from wool fabric if the vest is worn alone with pants, skirt and/or outer-wear coat/jacket
- Trims, lace or other open-weave or decorative fabrics not meeting the 60% wool fiber minimum, must not completely cover nor replace any portion of the major garment sections-back, front, sleeves.
- Trims, facing, linings, interfacings and underlining may be from fabrics other than wool or wool blends
- Hand-spun yarns and/or hand woven fabrics may be used and must meet above criteria
Fabric Testing Requirements
Judging Criteria:
- Appropriate to contestant and contestant’s lifestyle
- Fit and overall appearance
- Coordination of fabric/yarn/fibers with garment style and design
- Presentation of the garment by contestant
- Construction quality – the result of the method used, not the method itself
- Creativity in design and use of wool
- Conveys/promotes the beauty, comfort and versatility of wool