Welcome to Weston County 4-H!

The sooner you enroll each year the more that you’ll get out of your membership!
Enrollment Fees
- National 4-H Week – No FEES
- October 8 – December 31 – $10
- January 1 – September 30 – $20
Youth must have ACTIVE status in ZSuite to be eligible to participate in all 4-H activities
Youth must be enrolled by May 15th to be eligible to participate in summer activities – camp, fair, etc.

What is the benefit of being in a 4-H club …
There are many benefits of being in a club; friendship and fellowship, opportunity for leadership development, plus strides in self-confidence, learning to work with others, communication skills, decision making, problem solving, citizenship, expanded horizons, organizational skills, respect for and from others, patience, tolerance, and real-world experience!
The club leader will help you with decision making, keep you informed about project announcements and deadlines, and will be a great encouragement!
For help finding a club, please contact Erin! Information for each 4-H Club is included in each monthly Chatter.

A 4-H project is an area that you want to learn more about during the year. There are projects on just about any topic you would like to study and explore, from art to woodworking, from computers to rabbits, from foods to range management. Projects are grouped in to six different project areas: Animal Science, Healthy Living, Leadership & Civic Engagement, Science & Technology, Natural Resources and Expressive Arts.
By choosing a project in ZSuite Erin is able to provide project specific information to you including learning opportunities, deadlines and much more. The sooner you pick your projects, the sooner we can start sending you specific information.

The Chatter can be found:
- in your inbox
- on Facebook
- on Remind
- on the website
The Chatter is generally sent out the first business day of each month
Contains all the information I have for all 4-H members and volunteers at the beginning of each month.

The day to day updates, newest news, etc. will be posted to Facebook
REMIND Classes are a great way to get a reminder right on your phone! Sign up for the classes that are specific to your family and projects. This is a great way for the office to communicate directly to parents quickly!
- Weston County 4-H: rmd.at/weston4h or text @weston4h to 81010
- Newcastle Shooting Sports – rmd.at/newcss or text @newcss to 81010
- Dog Project: rmd.at/newcdog or text @newcdog to 81010
- Food, Fun & 4-H: rmd.at/newcff4-h or text @newcff4-h to 81010
- Newcastle Tumbleweeds: rmd.at/n4htumble or text @n4htumble to 81010
- Robotics: rmd.at/newcrobots or text @newcrobots to 81010
- Upton Cloverbuds: rmd.at/u4htumble or text @u4htumble to 81010

The website is where all of the information is housed for access 24 hours a day.

Project meetings, activities and events are included in the Chatter, posted on Facebook, shared on Remind and on the website.
There is also a weekly “This Week in Weston County 4-H” post on Facebook and Remind and email sent each Monday morning.

County Fair is where 4-H takes center stage! 4-H members exhibit their projects, talk to the judges and have a lot of fun! More information is available on the Fair Information section of the website.
County Fair Entry Deadline – July 3, 2024
County Fair – July 20-28th, 2024

More information will be coming soon on what the 4-H Story process will be for 2024! Keep an eye on the Chatter for details!

4-H is all about having fun while making friends, learning new skills and developing as a person and leader!
4‑H empowers young people to be true leaders. True leaders are young people who have confidence, know how to work well with others, can endure challenges, and will stick with a job until it gets done. In 4‑H, we believe true leaders aren’t born – they’re grown. The 4‑H program’s hands-on approach gives young people guidance, tools and encouragement, and then puts them in the driver’s seat to make great things happen. Independent research proves the unparalleled impact of the 4‑H experience.